TRUFA Equity Committee Good Practices Project



Nelson, B.L.S. et al. 2018. Analysis of the ACP/CPA 2017 Equity Climate Survey.

Critical Friendship (Page 2)

“Critical Friend” The Glossary of Education Reform. Updated October 28, 2013. Accessed May

13, 2018. (

Official Multiculturalism (Page 3)

Foran, Charles. 2017. The Canada Experiment: Is this the World’s First Post-National Country?

The Guardian (January 4)


Canadians take pride in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Page 3)

Section 14 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Page 3)

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part I of the Constitution Act, 1982, being Schedule B of the Canada Act 1982 (U.K.), 1982, c. 11 (the “Charter”), s. 15.

BC Human Rights Code (Pages 3-4)

RSBC 1996, c 210, s.8;

TRU/TRUFA’s Collective Agreement. (Page 4)

TRU/TRUFA Collective Agreement, s. 9.2.1

The Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (Page 3)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. 2015. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of

Canada: Calls to Action Winnipeg: Manitoba.


United Nations. 2008. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. New

York: United Nations. (

Bill C-262. An Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations

Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. First Session, Forty-second Parliament,

64-65 Elizabeth II, 2015-2016. (

“Universities Canada Principles on Indigenous Education” Universities Canada. Published June

29, 2015. Accessed May 13, 2018. (


Section 15 of the Charter (Page 4)

“Canadian Identity and Symbols” Environics Institute. Published 2010. Accessed May 13, 2018.


2010/canadian-identity-and-symbols.pdf?sfvrsn=da78fcd0_2 )

“Constitution Act 1982” Justice Laws Website Government of Canada. Modified May 4, 2018.

Accessed May 15, 2018. (

Reconciliation (Page 4)

The Truth and Reconciliation Comission of Canada. 2015. Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary Summary of the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, p. VI. Accessed Nov. 4, 2019.

Colonial Genocide (Page 5)

Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Supplementary Report–Genocide, pg. 10, (emphasis in original)

Decolonizing (Page 4)

Ian Cull, Robert L.A. Hancock, Stephanie McKeown, Michelle Pidgeon, and Adrienne Vedan. 2018. Pulling Together: A guide for Indigenization of post-secondary institutions. A professional learning series. BC Open Text. Accessed Nov. 4, 2019.

Indigenizing (Page 3)

Shelly Johnson/ Mukwa Musayett, CRC in Indigenizing Higher Education. “Decolonizing and Indigenizing our curriculum: Towards truth-telling and reconciliation” Faculty of Arts Presentation, Oct. 25, 2019.

Rigney, Lester-Irabinna  2001. “A First Perspective of Indigebous Australian Participation in Science: Framing Indigenous Resaerch Towards Indigenous Australian Intellectual Sovereignty.” Kaurna Higher Education Journal. 7.

Smith, Linda Tuhiwai, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. University of Otago Press, 2005

Shawn Wilson, Research is Ceremony:  Indigenous Research Methods. Halifa, Fernwood, 2008.

Pete, Shauneen. “100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses.” Accessed November 4, 2019.

Decolonial Indigenizing (Page 4)

Adam Gaudry and Danielle Lorenz, 2018. AlterNative
2018, Vol. 14(3) 218–227 Accessed October 23, 2019.

Indigeneity and Internationalism (Page 4)

Implicit Bias (Page 4):

Greenwald, A., D. McGhee, & J. Schwartz, 1998, “Measuring individual differences in implicit

cognition: The implicit association test”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74:


Jennifer Saul. 2013. “Implicit Bias, Stereotype Threat and Women in Philosophy” in Women in

Philosophy What Needs to Change? Ed. by Katrina Hutchison and Fiona Jenkins, Oxford

University Press, New York: NY. Pg 39-60.

Kelly, Daniel and Erica Roedder. 2008. “Racial Cognition and the Ethics of Implicit Bias”

Philosophy Compass 3:3.

Behav Brain Sci. 2010 Jun;33(2-3):61-83; discussion 83-135. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X0999152X. Epub 2010 Jun 15.

Stereotype Threat (Page 4):

Schouten, Gina. 2015. “The Stereotype Threat Hypothesis: An Assessment form the

Philosopher’s Armchair, for the Philosopher’s Classroom” Hypatia 30:2.

Steele, Claude M., Steven J. Spencer and Joshua Aronson. 2002. “Contending with Group

Image: The Psychology of Stereotype and Social Identity Threat” Advances in Experimental

Social Psychology 34, page 379-440.

Moral Licensing (Page 4):

Monin, Benoit and Dale T. Miller. 2001. “Moral Credentials and the Expression of Prejudice”

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81:1, page 33-43

Blanken, Irene, Niels van de Ven, and Marcel Zeelenberg. 2015. “A Meta-Analytic Review of

Moral Licensing” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41: 4, page 540-558.

Institutional Discrimination (Page 4):

Pincus, Fred L. 1996. “Discrimination Comes in Many Forms” The American Behavioral

Scientist 40:2, pp. 186-194.

Epistemic injustice (Page 5):

Fricker, Miranda. 2007. Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. Oxford University

Press, New York, NY.

Medina, José. 2011. “The Relevance of Credibility Excess in a Proportional View of Epistemic

Injustice: Differential Epistemic Authority and the Social Imaginary” Social Epistemology 25:1,

  1. 15-35.

Medina, José. 2012.“Hermeneutical Injustice and Polyphonic Contextualism: Social Silences

and Shared Hermeneutical Responsibilities” Social Epistemology 26:2, pp. 201-220.

Dotson, Kristie. 2012. “A Cautionary Tale: On Limiting Epistemic Oppression” Frontiers: A

Journal of Women Studies 33:1, pp. 24-47.

Dotson, Kristie. 2014. “Conceptualizing Epistemic Oppression” Social Epistemology 28:2, pp.


Intersectionality (Page 5):

Crenshaw, Kimberle. 1989. “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black

Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics”

University of Chicago Legal Forum 1989:1:8, page 139-167.

CPA Good Equity Practices (June 2018) – 19

Cho, Sumi, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw and Leslie McCall. 2013. “Toward a Field of

Intersectionality Studies: Theory, Applications, and Praxis” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture

and Society 38:4, page 785-810.

Tokenism (Page 5):

Niemann, Yolanda. 2018. “The Social Ecology of Tokenism in Higher Education” Peace Review:

A Journal of Social Justice 23, pp. 451-458.


Academic Freedom (Page 5):

Dea, Shannon. 2018. “Notes from the President’s Luncheon on Academic Freedom” Faculty

Association of the University of Waterloo. Published March 23, 2018. Accessed May 15, 2018.


Challenges for Underrepresented Groups (Page 6):

Haslanger, Sally. 2008. “Changing the Ideology and Culture of Philosophy: Not By Reason

Alone” Hypatia 23 (2), pp. 210-23.

Dotson, Kristie. 2012. “A Cautionary Tale: On Limiting Epistemic Oppression” Frontiers: A

Journal of Women Studies 33:1, pp. 24-47.

On Failure (Page 7):

Bernard, Wanda Elaine Thomas and Bernedette Butler. “Teaching and Learning across Culture

and Race: A Reflective Conversation between a White Student and a Black Teacher about

Overcoming Resistance to Antiracism Practice.” Understanding & Dismantling Privilege IV, no. 2

(2014): 276 – 297.

Harbin, Ami. 2016. Disorientation and Moral Life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Taking into account individual circumstances (Pages 11 and 12)

SSHRC post-doc adjudication committee directions.

The CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A Best Practices Guide for Recruitment, Hiring and Retention (Page 10-11)

In Your Own Research (Page 10)

Henrich Joseph, Steven J. Heine, Ara Norenzayan. 2010. “The Weirdest People in the World?”

Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33:2/3, 1-75. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X0999152X

Research Projects with Others (Page 11):

Bunjun, Benita. “The (Un)Making of Home, Entitlement, and Nation: An Intersectional

Organizational Study of Power Relations in Vancouver Status of Women, 1971-2008” PhD

thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011.

Conferences (Page 11):

“Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy Guidelines for Conference Hosting” CSWIP

Accessibility Working Group. Published 2016. Accessed May 14, 2018.


Curriculum (Page 12)

CPA Good Equity Practices (June 2018) – 20

Garfield, Jay and Bryan Van Norden. 2016. “If Philosophy Won’t Diversify Let’s Call it what it

Really Is.” The Stone, May 16. Accessed May 22, 2018.



Service (Page 14):

Bunjun, Benita. “The (Un)Making of Home, Entitlement, and Nation: An Intersectional

Organizational Study of Power Relations in Vancouver Status of Women, 1971-2008” PhD

thesis, University of British Columbia, 2011.

Final Considerations (Page 15)

Grenier, Eric. 2017. “21.9% of Canadians are immigrants, the highest share in 85 years:

StatsCan.” CBC, October 25. Accessed June 27, 2018.


Arim, Rubab. 2017. “A profile of persons with disabilities among Canadians aged 15 years or

older, 2012.” StatsCanada. Accessed June 27, 2018.
